What is the difference between coding and programming? ??

Coding vs Programming 


Many of you were confused about coding and programming. Some think that they are same, but they aren’t. So I will try to clear all your doubts regarding this topic, so let’s get started.
Coding –  Coding means a change in language or doing a small part of the program,i.e when we change a labguage from one to another, it is a code for some people who don’t know about the language in which it is converted. For,eg if i Translate this article in Hindi it will become code.
Coding in Computer – Coding in computer stand for writing a subprogram. For example, if I am making a calculator and writing program so that it can do the specific mathematical operations and you helped me to write it by writing any small portion of it so you have done coding by translating a mathematical operation in that language which computer can understand as well as by writing a subprogram.


Programming- Programing means giving command or instruction to the machine in that language which the machine can understand and the person who do this is called Programmer. Let’s Take and example so that you can understand easily – Many of you have seen a bicycle been assembled so the person who is assembling it is basically doing programming in it can run, without the programing (assembling) the bicycle is useless.

Difference Between Coding and Programing coding basically means translation in which a group of words or sentence is converted to other language from its own language whereas Programming means giving instruction to a machine to do specific task. 
Diffrence Between Coder and Programmer a coder is a person who translates a given operation or statement into another language, and if you translate it into a computer language like C, C++, java etc., so you are contributing in a program which also makes you a programmer but a junior programmer, so coder is a junior programmer.
a programmer is a person who is master in programming (assembling), and after writing the program, the machine can do the task for which it is programmed.
How can You Learn Coding? For doing coding, you have to learn that particular language in which you have to code (translate) and if you know that language so congratulation you are a coder. If you want to do programming on a computer, you have to learn a computer language like java,c++ etc. 

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